IF MajorVer% < 3 OR (MajorVer% = 3 AND MinorVer% < 10) THEN
i% = DoMsgBox("Microsoft Windows version 3.10 or greater is required for this software. Please upgrade your version of Windows.", "Installation Problem", MB_OK+MB_TASKMODAL+MB_ICONHAND)
'Prevents installation on 286
IF Processor% < 3 THEN
i% = DoMsgBox("Video for Windows requires a 386 or greater processor or emulator.", "Installation Problem", MB_OK+MB_TASKMODAL+MB_ICONHAND)
' Use Wowexec to determine version of NT. 3.1 did not stamp wowexec and wow returns 3.1 as version
i% = DoMsgBox("Video for Windows does not run on Windows NT 3.1. Please upgrade your version of Windows.", "Installation Problem", MB_OK+MB_TASKMODAL+MB_ICONHAND)
'' *** Running from another Install, just inform user to restart Windows before running DVP then terminate
i% = DoMsgBox("Video For Windows installation is complete. Restart Windows before running this application.", "VFW Setup", MB_OK+MB_TASKMODAL+MB_ICONINFORMATION)
''and then quit to return to main installation program
'' Restart Windows: if it has to updates ACM from DOS, it restarts Windows automatically